The recipe for true learning includes the following ingredients:
- Knowledge and skills, naturally
- Experiences that you gain and that you reflect upon in order to learn and to change your behavior
- Attitudes that you are more or less aware of and which you can develop into some extent
- Contacts as your social capital that constitutes your own professional problem solving and learning network, exceeding your own organisation´s boundaries, extending even beyond your own field of industry
Do you still agree with us? If you do, now this is where it gets interesting. If the previously described big picture is valid, it is funny enough that when we talk about education we quite often concentrate on the first, let´s say 4 years spent on education, instead of competence development during the whole roughly 40 years of working life.
Getting a degree and graduating is one thing, and then working for decades is another. What´s up with that? Maybe developing yourself throughout your career should get some more emphasis. Perhaps a solid research could shed some light on this issue?

- Reflect the attitudes of the employers regarding competence development
- Find out how competence development is really done in organizations

Some very interesting research findings in a nutshell:
- Generally the business school graduates are satisfied with the competence development their employer offers them. The employer attitudes regarding competence development are seen positive regardless of who you ask, the employer or the employee
- However, the attitudes and actions of the employers vary across different employee groups: The most significant difference between groups is that the situation of management is better than the other groups. It seems that not all organisations have yet seen the importance of the competence development of all other professionals as well
- Most employers say that the responsibility of competence development is divided between the employer and the employee. But is it really so? Not all the respondents were happy with the possibilities their employer offers so it seems the development is still originating mainly from the organisation´s needs
- When asked about the most beneficial way of competence development, the employers see learning at work as more important as the employees do, which is really interesting.
- Employers also state that the employees are not that interested in competence development, and the employees say the offering of development possibilities do not meet their needs. Could these aspects be related to one another?

We argue that the skill and act of applying the concepts learned should be seen as a systemic and continuous flow of actions that involves interaction with various stakeholders. Are we as effective as possible when it comes down to education and development?
Here´s another idea inspired by the research. Respondents are perhaps surprisingly happy about the development possibilities offered by their companies. Based on the research everything seems to be quite well. If that wasn´t the case, they wouldn´t be answering like this now would they? However we would like to challenge you a little bit: Do we actually demand enough from ourselves and from our organisations? Do we take the effort to totally renew your thinking instead of just updating? Do we take competence development seriously enough?
So the next time you are thinking about the future of yourself and our organisation, you could ask:
- How well have you been able to renew your paradigms and how deeply and actively have you applied the learned things in practice?
- What is your investment strategy for competence development, on organisational level, on a personal level?
Any comments and ideas about his blog post, for or against, are more than welcome!
Pasi Aaltola Anna Hartikainen
Director, MBA Education Researcher
Full research report (139 pages, in Finnish):
Ekonomien ammatillisen osaamisen kehittäminen -työnantajien asenteet ja panostukset
Thanks, Pasi and Anna, for sharing these interesting results with us!
VastaaPoistaYou are raising extremely important points in your posting. As you note, in business schools we still mostly seem to concentrate on sharing knowledge and skills, and competence development comprising the other three “ingredients of true learning” continues in working life. Could basic business education, however, integrate more of these ingredients as well? Could we have a stronger role in offering experiences, shaping attitudes, and creating contact networks with our students, thereby backing up the competence capital of our graduates as they enter the working life?
I believe there would be room for renewing our paradigms in how we approach our “investment strategy for competence development” of business graduates. We are about to launch our work at JSBE in renewing the curriculum for 2013 and onwards, and the results of your study are one great source of new ideas for this work.
Hanna-Leena Pesonen
Professor in Corporate Environmental Management
Vice Dean of JSBE responsible for education development
Excellent! You expanded the scope of our thinking. Of course the big picture from business school´s perspective should cover all of our educational operations. I agree, the elements for learning presented in the blog are very much worthwhile to think also in undergraduate and MSc level education.
VastaaPoistaBut, with that being said, it is especially interesting to think about what is the role of the business school after graduation. How can for example JSBE add value to the graduate´s educational investment? MBA and other executive education programs are probably one piece of the puzzle, but there´s a lot of room for innovation and experiments here.
Pasi Aaltola