tiistai 17. tammikuuta 2017

Three tweets - EMBA event in the Twitter era

It is a great year of 2017. Finland, and thus we all, is celebrating 100 year of independence. Also our Business School has a special year - we will reach the respectable 50 year milestone. Hence, we in Avance thought that we could start this year with a memorable customer event into which we would like to invite honorable members of our alumni, current EMBA students, future students and of course our valuable partners and friends, which make it possible that we can run an effective country wide EMBA program.
Hence we decided that 12.1.2017 would a great day for an event where social media expert Neal Schaffer would share his latest thoughts and observations with us. As always a decision is just a starting point, it is crucial what happens next, how people choose to act. I am pleased to tell that many chose to join us and had an excellent event in Paasitorni. Thank you all for making the memorable event real.
But what was the key message from Neal Schaffer? In the Twitter era it is possible to see how the participants experienced the event. As we know, there is always creativity and power on the both side: writer does her/his part and reader her/his; key note speaker does her/his part and participant has her/his role to play. This same phenomenon is present everywhere, for instance in every strategy session someone presents ideas and each participant interprets the message on their own way and everyone makes a decision how to continue from there.
For this blog I selected three tweets which were sent in the event.

One of Neal’s key message was that The Future is Now. In the realm of  Social Media, it means that instead of waiting new and even more exiting platforms, there are already many platforms which offer outstanding opportunities for many business use. Neal said that in the world of social media we are witnessing the era of evolution not revolution.
In his keynote Neal told how he had worked as a salesman in Japan and in China. His principle was to bring valuable new information to customer meetings, that principle opened doors and deepened connections. Social media is no different, valuable relevant content is vital in keeping and nurturing important connections.
It can be said that the concept of Voice was strongly present in Neal’s presentation. He talked about the importance of developing a distinctive visual voice for every company. He also talked about the voice which we all have, and the voice which every employee possesses. Different platforms are powerful loudspeakers and hence it is vital how people decide to use their voice in the Twitter era. The concept of Employee Advocacy merits a close attention.

In sum,

Thank you all, thank you Neal. It was a memorable start for this special year. As a write this blog special year 2017 is in the good progress. For instance Strategies of Excellence seminar is on its way today on Vantaa and Change management EMBA module will start in the next week. Just great.

Special year will also bring with it special events, next one for future EMBA students is Avance info 14th of February in Helsinki. Welcome.
I wish you all excellent special year.

Ari Manninen, Director
Avance Executive Education

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